Pokemon Cat Names
Last updated: by Kyle LarsonThese Pokemon cat names are perfect for anyone who loves the anime series or the games. This list includes all the cat-like creatures and a ton of other great name options from the Pokemon universe.

Pokemon Cats
Here is a complete list of Pokemon cats that either are actual felines or at least look like them. If you want to reference a cat in Pokemon directly, these are the names for you! You also might shorten one of these names to make a new name (Flare instead of Flareon, for example).
- Absol – A dark-type disaster Pokemon that detects natural disasters with its horn.
- Delcatty – A normal type with white fur and purple ears, neck, and tail, evolved from Skitty.
- Eevee – One of the most famous Pokemon, with multiple possible evolutions.
- Entei – A fire-type volcano cat that has a lion-like appearance.
- Espeon – A psychic type with a light purple color and split tail that evolves from Eevee.
- Espurr – A purple pokemon with psychic powers that walks on two legs.
- Flareon – One of the original evolutions from Eevee. A fire-type with orange and cream hair.
- Glaceon – A green, fresh snow, ice-type Pokemon that also evolved from Eevee.
- Glameow – One of the most cat-like of the Pokemon, this one has a super long tail.
- Incineroar – A fire/dark type that walks on two feet and has a muscular build.
- Jolteon – An electric evolution of the Eevee with yellow and white spikey hair.
- Leafeon – The grass evolution of Eevee with leaf-like ears and tail.
- Liepard – A purple and yellow, dark type that evolves from Purrloin.
- Litleo – A cute-looking cat/lion cub that is a fire-type.
- Litten – A fire cat with a black and red striped coat.
- Luxio – An electric spark cat with black and blue coloring. Evolved from Shinx.
- Luxray – An evolved Luxio with black and blue coloring and a star tail.
- Meowstic – A white and blue psychic cat that evolved from Espurr.
- Meowth – A white cat who is well-known as part of Team Rocket.
- Mew – A pink psychic cat with a long tail.
- Mewtwo – A genetically altered Mew with purple coloring.
- Dusk Mane Necrozma – A robotic-looking cat with psychic/steel powers.
- Perrserker – A steel-type cat with a Viking look and red eyes. An evolution of Persian.
- Persian – Evolved from Meoth, an attractive-looking tan/yellow cat.
- Purrloin – A dark type cat with a purple coat and large eyes.
- Purugly – Evolved from Glameow, a chunky cat.
- Pyroar – A fire type evolved from Litleo, with a long red and gold mane.
- Raikou – An electric, thunder Pokemon with yellow and black coloring and large fangs.
- Shinx – A cute, electric cat with blue, yellow, and black fur and a star tail.
- Skitty – A cute kitten Pokemon with pink and cream coloring.
- Snorlax – A large blue and white cat-like creature.
- Solgaleo – A fearsome-looking psychic/steel Pokemon with white and red coloring. Evolved from Cosmoem.
- Suicune – A blue/green and purple leopard that is a water-type.
- Sylveon – A fairy-type evolved from Eevee, with white and pink coloring.
- Torracat – A fire cat evolved from Litten, with red and black coloring.
- Umbreon – A dark, moonlight Pokemon evolved from Eevee with a black coat and yellow circles.
- Vaporeon – A water-type evolved from Eevee with a fish appearance with blue coloring.
- Zangoose – A large grey cat with a bolt across its chest and face in red.
- Zeraora – An electric Thunderclap Pokemon with black and yellow coloring.
Male Pokemon Name Ideas
Here are some male-sounding name options that might fit your boy cat well. Some of these names might also work for a girl if you want to take a look.
- Clay – Claydol
- Teddi – Teddiursa
- Mew
- Finneon
- Durant
- Mankey
- Dash – Rapidash
- Roly – Rolycoly
- Lance – User of dragon-type Pokemon
- Klang
- Chewtle
- Ash – Ash Ketchum, the primary hero of the Pokemon series
- Dusk – Dusknoir
- Toto – Tododile
- Regi – Regirock
- Bear – Beartic
- Fletch – Fletchling / Fletchinder
- Chansey
- Diglett
- Scrafty
- Wallace – Gym Leader and Champion from Generation III and VI
- Wynaut
- Butters – Butterfree
- Veno – Venomoth
- Trace – Rival character in Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu!
- Tyke – Mantyke
- Leon – Champion of the Galar region
- Roggen – Roggenrola
- Red – Protagonist of the Generation 1 games
- Absol
- Caterpie
- Onix
- Elio – Trainer from Sun and Moon, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
- Dug – Dugtrio
- Sprout – Bellsprout
- Kabuto
- Archen
- Blue – Blue Oak, a rival in Pokemon Blue and Red
- Champ – Machamp
- Cubone
- Digger – Diggersby
- Drake – Orange Crew Leader
- Draco – Dracozolt / Dracovish
- Klink
- Ketchum – Ash Ketchum
- Alder – Champion of the Unova region
- Gloom
- Copper – Copperajah
Female Pokemon Name Ideas
Here’s a list of Pokemon with more female sounds to their names, perfect for naming your girl cat!
- Eevee
- Flora – Sunflora
- Spinda
- Diantha – Trainer from X and Y
- Abra
- Charm – Charmander / Charmeleon / Charizard
- Venus – Venusaur
- Ursa – Ursaring
- Starmie
- Selene – Trainer from Pokemon Sun and Moon
- Bee – Beedrill
- Kakuna
- Goldee – Goldeen
- Iris – Gym Leader from the Unova region
- Sable – Sableye
- Hera – Heracross
- Poli – Poliwag / Poliwhirl / Poliwrath
- Cutie – Cutiefly
- Rogue – Tyrogue
- Ivy – Ivysaur
- Star – Staryu
- Cynthia – Pokemon Trainer and Champion of the Sinnoh region
Cool Pokemon Cat Names
There are quite a few Pokemon out there that have really cool-sounding names. Check these name options out for a cool cat!
- King – Kingler
- Flare – Flareon
- Jynx
- Claw – Clawitzer
- Ditto
- Hypno
- Blast – Blastoise
- Electro – Electrode
- Dragon – Dragonair
- Golem
- Ninja – Ninjask
- Tyrunt
- Tynamo
- Tauros
- Jolt – Jolteon
- Guru – Oranguru
- Alakazam
- Kleavor
- Pyroar
- Thundurus
- Rock – Rockruff
- Meta – Metapie
- Mega – Meganium
- Geo – Geodude
- Volt – Voltorb
- Snarl – Grimmsnarl
- Talon – Talonflame
- Pikachu
- Tornadus
Funny Pokemon Cat Names
If you just want to be silly, our final list is for you! These funny Pokemon names are sure to crack a smile.
- Oddish
- Slowbro
- Koko – Tapu Koko
- Snorlax
- Slowpoke
- Lickitung
- Shadow – Marshadow
- Squirt – Squirtle
- Kartana
- Weedle
- Grimer
- Jigglypuff
- Spoink
- Timburr
- Krabby
- Farfetch’d
- Wiggly – Wigglytuff
- Drowzee
- Wooper
Sources: Fandom List of Pokemon
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0ek you guys can go in a bit if you’re interested or not so I know what
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What do Eevee and all its many evolutions have to do with cat pokemon instead of fox pokemon? 🤔