Spotted Cat Names
Last updated: by Kyle LarsonFrom the Bengal to the Pixiebob, cats bearing mesmerizing spotted coats demand names as exotic and beautiful as their markings. This list of spotted cat names pulls from spots’ natural symbolism of rarity and wonder to provide captivating options ideal for your exceptionally patterned feline friend.

Top Female Spotted Cat Names
- Bambi
- Calico
- Callie
- Cheetara
- Chia
- Cinnamon
- Cloud
- Cookie
- Dewdrop
- Diamond
- Dot
- Dottie
- Fleck
- Ginger
- Glitter
- Honey
- Kisses
- Ladybug
- Leoparda
- Licorice
- Lucy
- Mandala
- Marshmallow
- Midnight
- Milky Way
- Minnie
- Mittens
- Mocha
- Paisley
- Patty
- Pebbles
- Pepper
- Perdita
- Pippi
- Polkadot
- Poppy
- Quartz
- Queen
- Saffron
- Sesame
- Snow
- Sparkles
- Spice
- Splatter
- Spotty
- Sprinkles
- Starry Night
- Strawberry
- Stripe
- Sugar
- Sundae
- Tie Dye
Top Male Spotted Cat Names
- Bingo
- Blizzard
- Boots
- Bootsie
- Bullseye
- Buster
- Buttons
- Camo
- Checkers
- Chester
- Chip
- Chunk
- Clover
- Constellation
- Dab
- Dalmatian
- Dice
- Domino
- Doodle
- Dumpling
- Dusty
- Inkblot
- Leo
- Link
- Lynx
- Oreo
- Parmesan
- Pollen
- Pollock
- Pongo
- Pox
- Punctuation
- Rocky
- Rorschach
- Smartie
- Snickers
- Snowflake
- Snowy
- Socks
- Spade
- Sparky
- Speckle
- Spottie
- Stripes
- Turmeric
- Tuxedo
- Twilight
- Zebra
Unisex Ideas
- Cheetah
- Confetti
- Dolly
- Dots
- Freckles
- Galaxy
- Inky
- Leopard
- Marbles
- Mosaic
- Mottle
- Patches
- Pinto
- Pixel
- Polka
- Speckles
- Splotches
- Spot
- Stardust
- Twiggy
Funny Spotted Names
- DotCom – Fun internet-inspired name highlighting your kitty’s spots.
- Poke-a-Dot – A playful twist on polka dot. Great for a cat with evenly spaced spots.
- Spotacus – For the spotted cat with a warrior spirit.
- Dottie McDotFace – A lighthearted, tongue-in-cheek name.
- Connect-the-Dots – A creative name inspired by the popular children’s activity.
- Inkblot – A rather sophisticated name for a black and white spotted cat.
- Leopard Lapcat – For the cat whose spots remind you of a miniature leopard.
- Jigsaw – As in, the spots look like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
- Freckles – A cute name for a cat with lots of tiny spots.
- Teaspoon – If your cat’s spots remind you of teaspoons gently dipped into a bowl of milk.
- Moo Cat – Perfect if your cat’s spots resemble those on a cow.
- Constellation – For a cat whose spots look like stars in the sky.
- Paw-casso – A play on Pablo Picasso, for a cat with spots that make it look like a work of art.
- Splotch – If your cat’s spots are a little irregular in shape.
- Rorschach – After the famous psychological inkblot test.
- Eclipse – For a cat with a dominant dark color interspersed with spots of light.
- Dot Matrix – Like the old printer technology.